Synesthesic Photography

As an artist, the mission of art is the representation of how the artist perceives reality. Therefore, this style is just a self-expression of the author. Nowadays, scientific development has changed several parameters in how humans perceive life. Humans used to experience the relation towards reality based on Newtonian physics; however, new experiments have brought a different perspective, leaving behind classical physics and entering the quantum field.

Quantum physics has basically revealed the fundamental unity of life. Surface diversity, but at deeper levels of molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, subnuclear particles, electroweak unified particles, etc., it culminates in the discovery of what is called the Unified Field, fulfilling Einstein’s dream of revealing the fundamental unity at the basis of the diversity of the universe. And what does that have to do with humans? Humans relate to the world based on their senses, but as stated before, human senses don’t provide the correct information about reality. So the idea that things are separate and distinct from each other on a material level is illusory, it’s a sensory illusion. However, humans can go beyond the senses, and that is where the stage of brain coherence comes in.

Properly understood, this stage of the brain comes when the subject pulls the awareness from the outwardly directed senses powerfully within, to experience deeper levels of the mind – simpler, quieter, more unified levels of the thinking process – and then slipping beyond thought. That’s where the transcendental comes in, beyond thought altogether, to experience this universal unity at the basis of mind and matter. So, this photographic style aims to bring the spectator to a meditative state and self-analysis, helping to develop the full potential of the brain, and as a side benefit, stress-related illness melts away.

If humans can achieve access to a fuller state of consciousness, it may help us bring about a global revolution where we found a society based on real principles rather than economic ones. A society based on utilizing five percent of the innate potential of the brain is going to be more or less like the society we have – monkeys with guns. But if we utilize more of the mind, we become more sophisticated; we will build a Utopia.

If the reality of life is unity, if we are all one at our core but don’t see it, bringing that unity from within to the surface of perception and understanding, that is a transformed world. So, this transformation into this unified ecosystem, synesthetic photography aims to express it in this visual representation where sound makes these particles vibrate, melting away separateness and fusing subject and object into one. Through this visual reflection of what reality is, the spectator can achieve awareness of the unity that exists between all life forms – that we are unity. Distinction, nation, religion, creed – these are illusions. We are building our lives around illusions. If humans know something to be true, then humanity should build its culture, its society, its faith, its institutions around that truth, and unity will be an inevitable consequence of that.

Project details


Sebastián Hidalgo

Project date

29 January 2018

Project location

Florence, Italy

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